non-fungible tokens

Collaborations Proposal

What are collaborations?

A way for two NFT communities to work together to promote each other's collections and typically involves giving allowlist spots or early access to the minting phase at a discounted price, to members of the other community in exchange for promotion of the project.
We collaborated with ‘The Nemesis’ in November and below is a graph depicting
the followers gained-

How collaboration Importance has changed?


  • Less NFT communities
  • Collabs done but less productive
  • Trading based on Fomo & Hype
  • Building audience from Influencer and paid shills


  • A Lot of Good NFT Communities
  • Collabs are the best tool to market
  • More Research before Fomo
  • Organic growth with collabs

How are collabs done?

The benefits of collaborations for a project include

  • Exposure to a targeted audience.
  • Hype building organically.
  • Opportunity to establish partnerships.
  • Cost-effective compared to Influencer marketing.
  • Reminders before Mint.
  • Gives edge to any web 2 brand/IP entering into web 3 as its PTP Marketing.

Why Hire Me as Collab Lead/ Manager?

  • Network of 700 + Alpha Groups/NFT Collections
  • Single point of contact for all the collaboration needs
  • Proof of work & transparency
  • Proven Track Record : I have helped the projects sellout 
 within the whitelist phase itself.
  • 2000 + Eth of revenue generated for the clients

Let’s have
a cup of coffee